Archive | December, 2012

“Gamification And Why People Who Hate Anita Sarkeesian Are Like The Westboro Baptist Church” (Alyssa Rosenberg/ThinkProgress)

7 Dec

Gamification And Why People Who Hate Anita Sarkeesian Are Like The Westboro Baptist Church

Kris here. Sorry we’ve been quiet for awhile. End-of-semester insanity and all that. But after finals Ambar and I should have a few posts looking back at some highlights of the past month.

In the meantime, head over to ThinkProgress and check out Alyssa Rosenberg’s post on pop culture critic Anita Sarkeesian’s recent TEDxWomen talk. Like them or not, video games as a pop culture medium are ascendant, and Sarkeesian’s Kickstarter campaign is arguably one of the top three most important stories in games this year. If you haven’t been following this for the past several months, she brings you up to speed quickly at the start of her talk. But even if you have been keeping track, it’s worth paying attention to her use of gaming (specifically MMO, which isn’t really my genre, but still) terminology to analyze the fallout.